Food POS is designed to work with a wide range of restaurant concepts and operations. We do a lot more than just a cash register at a POS. Invest in a point-of-sale system that will assist your restaurant in increasing productivity and reducing waste in both supplies and personnel.


Yet it has a user-friendly and strong interface that can handle a large number of sales. It has a short learning curve, making it accessible to everyone. Items with a variety of modifiers to meet the needs of a variety of customers Create discount packages and promo packages for specific membership types. Exempt, inclusive, and various tax groups are all included in the tax setting. Multiple payment options and a split/merge bill feature make it easy to pay. To provide complete operation, it is integrated with the kitchen display and menu


  • Keep track of your inventory as it transfers from one warehouse to another.
  • Make a list of all of your raw materials and goods.
  • You should be aware of the number of times your tables are turned over and how much money you’re making per square foot
  • A look at your restaurant’s layout – make a quick seating plan.
  • Know how much each consumer spends on average and use our tiered promotions to reward them properly.
  • Make sure you know what’s going on at each table, such as if the food has been made, orders have been given to the kitchen, and the bill has been paid.
  • With our WINPOS system, you can easily scale up and send orders to the kitchen right away.
  • At the end of the day, easily tally and aggregate sales, sales turnover, and cash takings, as well as split sales between dine-in and take-out clients.
  • Check the number of transactions that have been invalidated on a daily basis and keep track of all of your transactions.

Light & Modern Website

Create attractive digital menus for your clients to use in a business or at home to place orders.

Manage numerous categories with ease and present attractive food categories.

Automate the ordering procedure and improve the overall restaurant process.

Business success with a single POS

Whether you have one store or a hundred, we can assist you it works well together with computers, workstation, and cellphones 

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Bold Identity

Duis aliquet tristique nibh. Suspendisse nec vulputate. Arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis augue.

Aliquet tristique nibh. Suspendisse nec vulputate nulla iaculis eu potenti.

Online Store

Quisque magna - purus et sem nibh mattis nunc vel auctor. Pellentesque dapibus, purus et sem nibh mattis nunc, in egestas!


Nullam porta nulla non arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integel congue nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Quisque aliquet rhoncus magna vel auctor purus et sem dolor mattis nunc. Pellentesque dapibus, purus et amet mattis nunc, in egestas!


Nullam porta nulla non arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer magna - purus et aliquet tristique lacus hac habitasse platea dictumst.